High Standard Sport King

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High Standard Sport King 3,6/5 9480 votes

High Standard Sport King - good choice? This is a discussion on High Standard Sport King - good choice? Within the General Firearm Discussion forums, part of the Related Topics category; A gun shop in town was closing up this week and I dropped by to see what they were offering. They had a High Standard. SPORT KING – LIGHTWEIGHT: made from 1954-1965, differing from the Standard only in that it had an alloy frame, reducing the weight about 9 oz. SPORT KING 2ND MODEL: introduced in 1958 and made until 1984.

.Pull the slide back & lock it in this posision with the slide stop on the left side of the gun.REMOVE THE BARREL Under the barrel & on the front of the trigger guard is a button, This button has to be pushed in all the way to release the barrel. It is under heavy spring presure & can be difficult to push in all the way. If you can't get it to move. Place the button against the edge of the bench ( use a shop rag to protect the finish on the gun)& while securely holding the gun, push the button against the bench to get the buttom move, & little WD-40 or gun oil on the button won't hurt. Once the button is moving, Push it in all the way & pull up on the barrel. With the button all the way in the barrel can be removed from the frame.

Set the barrel aside & move to the next step.REMOVE THE SLIDE To remove the slide, Hold the slide with one hand & filck the slide stop down, Hold onto the slide, It is under spring presure & will want to shoot off the front of the frame. With the slide stop off.

Move the slide towords the front & off the frame. The gun is now field stripped & is ready to be cleaned & re-assembled Follwow the steps in reverse to put the gun back together.

Factory quality replacement magazine for SPORT KING 1ST MODEL: made from 1951-1954 with a lever take down and 1954-1958 with a push button take down. In both 4.5 and 6.75 inch barrel lengths. SPORT KING - LIGHTWEIGHT: made from 1954-1965, differing from the Standard only in that it had an alloy frame, reducing the weight about 9 oz.

SPORT KING 2ND MODEL: introduced in 1958 and made until 1984. No visible external changes, all modifications being internal. FIELD KING: made from 1951-1958. Basically the same gun as the Sport King with target sights and a heavier target barrel. SUPERMATIC: made from 1951-1958 in 4.5 and 6.75 inch barrels. Adjustable target sights and adjustable barrel weights.

SUPERMATIC TOURNAMENT: made from 1958-1966 in a 5.5 inch bull barrel or 6.75 inch heavy barrel. Adjustable barrel weights. SUPERMATIC CITATION: made in 6.75, 8 and 10 inch barrels, longer barrels tapered with stabilizers and removable weights.

High Standard Sport King

High Standard Sport King Model 103

High standard sport king pistol

Made from 1958-1966. SUPERMATIC TROPHY: modification of the Citation with a 5.5 inch bull barrel or 7.75 inch fluted barrel, with detachable stabilizer and weights. Extremely well made and well finished. Made from 1963-1966. FREE shipping on orders over $75! Gunclip Depot has the largest selection of High Standard gun magazines and gun clips.

If you do not see the gun magazine you are looking for send us an email and we will try to locate it for you. Orders shipped within 24 hours except for week-ends and holidays.