Strike Fighters 2 Download
Product InformationPublishers:Description: LiteCombat Flight Simulators.DownloadSize:variesdepending on titleFormat:DownloadSimulation Type:Combat Flight SimReviewedby:AVSIM Staff Reviewer - Octobert 5, 2009IntroductionIn this review, I will be going into the Strike Fighters 2 (SF2)series. The Strike Fighters series started out way back when asa lite combat sim using older attack aircraft such as the F-4 andthe various aircraft of that nature; they mostly Vietnam era aircraft.It has since evolved into a multiple part series including StrikeFighters Vietnam, Strike Fighters: Wings over Europe: Cold WarGone Hot, First Eagles, and Wings over Israel. Unfortunately, whenVista came out, the SF1 series had major issues with it.
For the post-WW2 prop. High-performance aircraft, several tweaks have been applied to the data inis, ranging from lift values for wings and wing tips to the engine section, prop. Rpms, flight control section, gears section, flaps, also empty weight, inertia values, ceilings, engine sounds, rudder.
Strike Fighters 2 Download
The SF2series is designed to improve on the series and to add Vista support.TestSystemProcessor: IntelCore 2 Quad Q6600 @ 2.4ghz per core (4 64bit cores)Video Card: BFG Tech Nvidia Geforce GTX 280 OCX 1 gigMotherboard: XFX Nforce 680i lt SLISound: Onboard Realtek integrated sound cardRAM: 4 gigs 800mhz OCZ SLI ram on 2 sticks.OS: Windows Vista Ultimate 64 bit Service Pack 2Joystick: Microsoft Sidewinder Precision ProHead Tracking: TrackIR 4 ProFlyingTime:30 hoursInstallation and DocumentationTheinstallation was straight forward. All I had to do was run theEXE’s and go through the steps to install. SF2 has HTMLdocumentation, not my personal favorite (that would be a well constructedPDF), but it will do.
Fake indian currency detection using camera matlab code free. I found that the various programs installedinto one directory. This allows you to run all the content fromthe various SF2 sims off one EXE. The catch I found out later thoughwas in the mod installs, but that’s for later.ThecontentCombiningthe three, there’s plenty of content to go around.Strike Fighters 2 is more based around the Middle East, where theVietnam title is, you guessed it, based in Vietnam, and Europeis Cold War era Germany. Each one comes with a multitude of aircraft,and a good array of campaigns and weapons.Asfar as content goes, with the various products installed, youget plenty ofcampaigns along with a random mission generator.The biggest issue I had though was there were no pre-set missions,mission editors, or training missions, and no multiplayer. Thebiggest frustration for me was the lack of multiplayer, as I feelthat it’s critical to have multiplayer support in a sim.Asfor mod support, it is important to remember this, if you areinstallinga mod, install it into the directory of the actual applicationyou are running.
If you install it into the Strike Fighters 2 directory,you won’t see the mod in the Europe EXE.Flight ModelingFlightmodeling seems OK, however I can’t speak for theaccuracy as I have never flown any of these aircraft in real life.They all handle like you would expect, and they feel good. It’sgood to have flight modeling that feels proper in such a multitudeof aircraft.Theaircraft seem to handle like their mass implies, and I haven’tseen anything causing issues yet.
One nice thing I noticed is thatif you try to do foolish things, the aircraft will respond appropriately.For example, when I first tried to take off in the A-10, I crashedbecause I was not taking into account how to properly fly the aircraftduring this procedure and I stalled, crashed and burned.The CampaignsThecampaigns are pretty good, however they seem a little repetitive.I seemedto get plenty of instances of “attack this warehouse” whereI got a bit bored. However, the sim does well to mix up air toground and air to air ops, even though the missions felt canned.Even though it is a dynamic campaign, it just didn’t feelas dynamic as I was hoping.
So I can’t give the campaignfull marks.Iwill say this however, the mercenary campaigns were FUN, as youhad tokill your target to get paid and you had to buy yourweapons and airframes which is a nice change from the normal situationof just going off of what is in your stockpile. The sim felt alittle more tense because of the “If I don’t completemy objectives I don’t get paid” factor.Italso seemed as if pilots would gain experience and skill as thecampaignsmoved along, which is nice to see, as it’snot like your guys are going to just ignore their mistakes andsuccesses and keep doing the same thing over and over.Asa mercenary your gear costs money.Justa little bit of a map showing the first mission of mine asa mercenarySkynet is back with a vengeanceTheAI in this sim seems to be pretty good. I will not hesitate tosay thatit has some flaws; however then again, I don’twant perfect AI that never makes mistakes as that would just ruinthe feeling of it being human.WhatI can’t tolerate though, is AI aircraft doing thingsthat you CAN’T do.

I didn’t encounter this. The AIwas pretty hard to get off my 6 in some occurrences, which is agood thing; because it means that the AI isn’t completelystupid. In general, it’s always good to have a challengingopponent, and the AI put up a decent fight.Awwcome on, I can’t do that?Thething that angered me most in the sim was that I couldn’tplay multiplayer. I like playing online with my friends, and assuch, I’m disappointed when a developer doesn’t implementmultiplayer support, especially when the sim is an enhanced versionof a title that used to have multiplayer support.Furthermore,I didn’t notice any way to record tracks oracmi or replays, which would be an invaluable feature for evaluatinghow you got shot down.
Strike Fighters 2 Windows 10
Finally, I couldn’t find any way toturn off that pesky info bar at the bottom of the screen.Graphics, for all you kids who think graphics are more importantthan the simBefore anyone gripes about that header, I felt I would poke funat the people who value graphics more than the sim itself. Thegraphics seem pretty decent, and as such, I enjoyed them.
I enjoyedthe little details I noticed such as the pilots head pivoting ona swivel in the cockpit from the external view.Ialso noticed that the cockpits were pretty good, and there wereplenty ofthem, including various cockpits based on numerousversionsof the same aircraft. That was a nice little touch. There wereother things such as the glow of the afterburners and the sun’sprojecting light from it which were pretty nice, but I feel itcould have used a bit of HDR bloom to truly emulate the effectof fighting someone in the sun, as usually the sun is the enemy’sblind spot, but it didn’t seem all that blinding in this.Thepanels sayThepanels are nice and there are plenty of them. The only real issueIhave with the panels is that you can’t click them.I am a hands-on person, and I am much more able to fly an aircraftif I can look at the panel and click on the switches rather thanjust using the keyboard.
There are panels for the various aircraft,however I can’t get over not being able to click them.Ohcrap, missile launch!TheRWR is a great feature and can save your life if you know howto use it. All in all, the panels get a pass for visual butreallyshould be clickable.Thesounds of an air warThe sounds are good. The engines sound powerful like they should,and other sounds are pretty good as well. The voices of the controllersalso sound OK along with the wingmen.Iespecially liked the menu music, but that’s not that important.The only gripe I’ve seen with it so far is that the soundsseem to be a bit canned, and you don’t hear enough varietyin what people say. This can be said of most sims. However, a littlevariety, such as different ways of saying the same thing, wouldbe nice. Especially in the case of things such as people beingshot down.
The sounds overall are good, I just hoped for a littlemore variety.Summary / Closing RemarksAllin all, Strike Fighters 2 is a breath of fresh air up to a point.Thereare some major let downs though, some of which areinexcusable in my opinion. The biggest ones I can think of is thefact that they pulled the Multiplayer option (which was in thefirst version), and they didn’t include any training missions.Thesetwo things are critical for me in a simulator, especially a combatsimulator. If they just add those, I’d say thisis something you may want to look at, but because of that, I sadlycan’t recommend it in its current state. I would love tobe able to recommend these, however the lack of multiplayer isthe biggest killer of it, as it’s always more fun to flya combat mission with friends than to fly alone, and after a whilethe sim may get stale without multiplayer and a mission editor.I suggest you hold off and see what happens later on. If it getsthese items added later, then look into it.
PrintingIf you wish to printthis review or read it offline at your leisure, right click on the linkbelow, and select 'save as'StandardDisclaimerThe review above is a subjective assessment of theproduct by the author. There is no connection between the product producerand the reviewer, and we feel this review is unbiased and truly reflectstheperformance of the product in the simming environment as experienced bythe reviewer. This disclaimer is posted here in order to provide you withbackground informationonthereviewer and any presumed connections that may exist between him/her andthe contributing party.© 2009- AVSIMOnlineAll Rights Reserved.
Strike Fighters: Project 1 is a combat flight simulation game featuring the famous and versatile McDonnell Douglas F-4 Phantom II. The setting is the 1960s, a primitive but rapidly changing period. Players will engage in dogfights with enemy planes and undertake search and destroy missions involving ground targets.
Missiles and early guided weapons are available late in the game, but are unreliable and players will have to rely on their trusty machine guns.The terrain engine utilizes both fractal and digital elevation maps, and the graphics engine runs in 32-bit color with a high polygon count. Advanced features such as colored point light-sourcing, specular highlighting, multi-layer textures, bump mapping, and reflective environment mapping are all supported. Players will encounter the following aircraft: F-100 Super Sabre, Douglas A-4 Skyhawk, Lockheed F-104 Starfighter, McDonnell Douglas F-4 Phantom II, Martin B-57 Canberra, Lockheed C-130 Hercules, Cessna L-19 Bird Dog, MiG-17 'Fresco', MiG-19 'Farmer', MiG-21 'Fishbed', Su-7 Fitter, IL-28 Beagle, Tu-22 Blinder, and An-12 Cub.It's a rough time for flight simulation fans. The genre is already subject to a much-publicized loss of popularity and many flight sim makers aren't doing much to defend their niche.
Microsoft's Combat Flight Simulator 3 is a disappointment and Strategy First's Strike Fighters is half a game in a box. And, this is actually Strike Fighters' second chance! The title made an initial appearance in a special Wal-Mart edition that was, at best, an alpha release. The publisher and developer took the time to keep working on the title, and while the results show promise, the current retail release of Strike Fighters is still an incomplete product.Blast from the PastStrike Fighters pays fair respects to things from the past. The sim is set in the 1960s and gives players jets like the venerable F-4 Phantom II, F-104 Starfighter, and A-4 Skyhawk to fly. The aircraft models look beautiful with accurate color schemes and insignia, crisp detail, and articulated control surfaces. Moving rudders and ailerons aren't new, but seeing the A-4's side-mounted speed brakes and leading-edge slats in action should bring a grin to any simulation nut.
Each aircraft also has a distinctive flight model, and these beasts don't hesitate to lose speed and stall under violent maneuvering. These Cold War era jets haven't been modeled much recently, and it's a real eye-opener to handle their roll inertia. The planes are generally great, but there's considerable distance to go to build a complete combat simulation, and for the rest of the game it's all uphill.Missing PersonsStrike Fighters needed a lot more time to cook.
There's only one campaign and it's set in a desert setting - although the sim's planes would have been perfect for Vietnam scenarios. The desert campaign isn't dynamic and doesn't attempt the sophistication Combat Flight Simulator 3's shoots for, though it does have a randomizer to generate different missions.The lack of a robust campaign is hardly the weakest point of the game. The aircraft fly well, but their avionics packages don't work the way the documentation claims.
The air-to-ground targeting systems seem non-existent and the targeting brackets don't appear on the HUD. Wingmen won't follow orders to attack ground targets, and the game sometimes has aircraft perform in missions that don't make sense. Aircraft without night fighting capability, for example, sometimes receive nighttime assignments. The opponent defenses are completely silent with no anti-aircraft gunfire or surface-to-air missiles to worry about.That may be a good thing, because the manual is weak and skips both ground attack and missile defense instruction. Planning for a mission is pointless; other than choosing the weapons the plane will carry, there's little to do because the planning tool permits only minimal changes to the route and the map lacks useable levels of zoom.Air-to-air combat fares better. The missile systems in Strike Fighters represent early systems prone to failure, and they operate in appropriately cantankerous fashion.
The artificial intelligence flies competently and tail gunners in craft like the IL-28 Beagle will fire at attackers. Wingmen are much more enthusiastic about engaging in air combat, though they will engage without first jettisoning extra weight like bombs or tanks. There's also some good radio chatter between pilots and air traffic controllers. Strike Fighters also includes a solid suite of useful snapshots and external and a padlock views.The end result is that Strike Fighters ends up being a fair dogfighting simulation, but falls short in its efforts to deliver the strike experience. There's plenty of gameplay in running the single missions and campaigns, but the broken or missing features leave the product feeling empty. Multiplayer supports play via local area network and supports deathmatch and cooperative mode.Good News/Bad NewsStrike Fighters is clearly missing some pieces, but the product may be salvageable.
One of Third Wire's goals was to keep Strike Fighters fairly extensible, so post-release patches and third-party work may make Strike Fighters much like Falcon 4.0, which was even more broken at its release, but eventually earned some respect from the sim community.Woody Allen said that 'half of success is showing up,' but that doesn't apply to computer games. Strike Fighters actually showed up twice and sim fans can certainly hope for a third and more successful appearance, but it might have been better if it had arrived just once, fashionably late.People who downloaded Strike Fighters: Project 1 have also downloaded:,©2019 San Pedro Software Inc. Contact:, done in 0.002 seconds.