Mercury 60 Hp Bigfoot Hydraulic Trim Pump

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TrimMercury 60 Hp Bigfoot Hydraulic Trim Pump

Mercury 60-HP Four-stroke: Fuel Supply Problem - Moderated Discussion Areas          Mercury 60-HP Four-stroke: Fuel Supply Problem AuthorTopic:   Mercury 60-HP Four-stroke: Fuel Supply Problemwhalerman03posted 10:32 PM ET (US)        Our 2003 60-HP Mercury four-stroke suddenly dies at high speeds after about a minute unless we continually prime the primer bulb on the gas tank. What causes this?

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Jul 24, 2016  Replacing the tilt trim motor on a 2002 Mercury 90 hp outboard. Replacing the Impeller on a 2002 Mercury 90 hp Outboard. Lower Unit Removal & Water Pump Replacement on 1996 Mercury 115 hp 2. This feature is not available right now. Please try again later. Find your trim pump. The easiest way to do this is by following the oil line from the tilt system, back toward your tilt control, or from your tilt control. While the pump is located in different places on different boats, with a Mercury outboard, it's usually tucked under some deck access plat in the rear of the boat.

Mercury 60 Hp Bigfoot Service Manual


When it runs, it runs well! We have a 15' whaler.Any suggestions are welcome.ThanksTohsgibposted 01:37 PM ET (US)           Start with changing the primer bulb but chances are the fuel pump is not up to snuff or there is a restriction somewhere in the fule line, etc.Moeposted 07:44 PM ET (US)           Start with the cheap and easy things first.

Check where the hose connects to the motor and the seals on that connection. If it's leaking air, that's what the low pressure pump will suck instead of fuel.The next stage is the low pressure pump which feeds fuel into the air/fuel separator. That's like a big carburetor bowl with float and and needle valve.In the bottom of the air/fuel separator is the high pressure pump that feeds the injection system. We had one of those fail on our Mercury BigFoot EFI 60, and the motor was very hard to start even after pump the bulb, and then would only run a few seconds. The high pressure pump doesn't sound like your problem.It sounds like you may be filling the air/fuel separator with the bulb, either passing a failing connector or a failed low pressure pump and the motor runs until the air/fuel separator is out of fuel.-Moejimhposted 11:42 PM ET (US)           See:for advice on the fuel primer bulb and how it affects the fuel system.Lil Whaler Loverposted 06:41 AM ET (US)           Past experience taught me to first check the fuel filters. If you only have the little one on the engine it may very well be the problem. If you havea water separating filter it should also be changed.

Dave  Hop to.